Website without Optimization, Same like Pizza without Mozzarella
Basic SEO
- Analyze your website and check errors
- Analyze your SEO status score and start to improve it by the following:
- Create a professional meta tag
- Create a robot file and a robot tag
- Create a sitemap.xml
- Adjust title, description and keywords length
- Meta view port matching the devices size
- Media Queries
- -
Google SEO Best Value
- Includes Basic Package
- Claim and verify your website with Google.
- Submit and index your site map.
- Create your Google business page
- Setup and verification Google map
- Google analytic account and link it to your site.
- Generate and add a Twitter ID card
- Generate and add Facebook open graph
- Connect Google publisher
- Set up 404 page if it doesn't exist
Super Google SEO
- Includes Basic package
- Includes Google package
- Minify Java Script
- Minify CSS
- Analyze 5 keywords and Competitor keywords
- Optimize all website images
- Fix all images alt attribute
- 30 Hand made High PR backlinks
- Ping to 1500 dofollow/nofollow backlinks
- Reach min Seo Score 80%